VIEW CAMERA We joined a group of local LF photographers last Saturday for a gathering and group shoot at a local park. I have to say that we had a great time. Met some new friends and saw some old ones also. It was a fun time for sure and I am glad we were able to attend. There were nineteen people there and most every kind of camera you could imagine from DSLRs to 8x10s. There was most every level of experience, from beginner to seasoned pro. The talk was lively and the interaction was priceless.

I hauled an 8×10 camera, set it up with several lenses, and let those that were interested look and ask questions. The thing is, I did not expose a single sheet of film. I really had no intention of making an exposure. I was there to enjoy the interaction with like-minded folks. I was there to talk shop. This was a gathering organized for the purpose of letting the interested see what a view camera is and how it works. This is the best way to learn whether you should look more seriously into LF, or not. Working with a view camera is not for everyone. I would never recommend to anyone that they run out and buy a big camera.

I took film, just in case something did materialize, but I never put a holder in the camera. I, for the most part, had no intention of making photographs. Certainly there were some visually interesting things going on in the park, but I was not in the mode of making images. I was in the Left Brain Mode of talking about cameras and how they work.

Creativity is something that I have to prepare for. I have to put my mind into Right Brain Mode to go out to shoot film. I need to be, for the most part, alone with myself in a visually stimulating environment in order to work efficiently. For me, creativity is an extremely personal thing that requires every ounce of my attention. I have learned that I seldom ever produce anything of merit when I am with a group. There are far too many distractions for me to think productively. So for an outing like this, I just go to enjoy the company and conversation about my favorite subject. If I find something that I feel requires my uninterrupted attention, I will go back later by my self to explore.

The most important thing about this outing was just being out there with others that share like interests. I love to talk shop, but I can’t do it and seriously photograph. I know this from years of experience, so we went to the park, met up with a great bunch of people. Talked each other to death, had lunch and enjoyed ourselves. It was not a day to be creative for me. It was a day to be social and have a lot of fun.

Almost forgot to mention. . . I picked up a new 8×10 camera. . . my first KB Canham!