The D/FW LF Group had another exciting weekend, with two gatherings. Saturday we started off with breakfast at the Original Pancake House in Grapevine. We had ten people join us for the beginning of a usual gathering. After breakfast we then adjourned and moved over to the Grapevine Convention Center for the Camera Show. This one was a productive one. I found several things including some raw chemicals for the darkroom. Susan and I actually made several trips to the van to unload our trappings. Larry made even more trips and needed some help. What fun!

Sunday it was an early trip down to County Road 1118 in Johnson County to photograph a very old iron bridge on the Brazos River. If I counted correctly we had eight people that showed up before, and some after sunrise. Beautiful morning, not a cloud in the sky, not a breath of wind, and it was in the upper 40’s to mid 50’s. Couldn’t have been better for such an outing. As usual we migrated mid morning over to Glen Rose for a late breakfast, early lunch at the Big Cup Cafe. Outstanding hamburger and by a little after noon we were home. Susan and I shot a few 4×5 negatives and, as usual had a great time.

We will be planning more outings and if you are interested in joining us, please watch for our next gathering.