PyroCat HDI had written about my experiments with Pyro Staining Developers back in October of 2010, and that should make it very clear that I have chosen my favorite film developer.  Take a look at my previous post, “THE PYRO-CAT IS OUT OF THE BAG.”  Of all of the Pyro Staining Developers I tested, PyroCat-HD by Sandy King has proven to be, hands down, the best of the best.   If you are seriously looking for the finest all-around film developer, I would strongly suggest you take a serious look into PyroCat-HD.

Sandy King has done his research and formulated an excellent developer.  Also, he has a new web site that is outstanding.  I was pleased to find that he has a section dedicated to his technical writings which contains his original article on Pyro Developers.  If you are seriously thinking about working with Pyro Developers, I would highly recommend you take a look at the article,  “AN INTRODUCTION TO PYRO STAINING DEVELOPERS, WITH SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE PYROCAT-HD FORMULA” by Sandy King.

There is no need for me to go into the details of my experiments with Pyro Developers since I have covered what I learned in my previous BLOG post.  I would also recommend the above mentioned article by Sandy King, which covers a lot of what you need to know about Staining Developers.  All I can add is that  PyroCat-HD is the only developer we now use.  Maybe you should try it yourself?